Precision Billboards is here for you and will help you every step of the way. We understand that you may have questions or concerns about the billboard design process, so we compiled the following information to assist you with your inquiries. Use the resource links below to learn more.
Art Preparation Guidelines for Outdoor Graphics
Specifications for Oversized Outdoor Graphics
Art Preparation Guidelines for Outdoor Graphics
Bulletins, Wallscapes, and Rigid Vinyls
At a reduced scale of 1" = 1' files should be at least 150 ppi. For postings which require bleed or pockets, 6" of bleed should be included. Indicate the live area and bleed crops.
Bleed Posters and Juniors
At a reduced scale of 1 "= 1' files should be at least 300 ppi.
Color Space and Profiling for all types of work
For the best results, artwork should be setup CMYK using the "U.S. Web Coated Swop v2" color profile.
For the richest black, define as 50/50/50/100.
Provide color proofs if critical color match is required. If PMS colors are used within a 4 color process file, indicate each PMS color used. Note: not all PMS colors can be matched perfectly using 4 color process.
Popular programs supported
Illustrator CC, Photoshop CC, lndesign CC
If your software is not listed above, export your file as a TIFF, JPG, or PDF with all fonts converted to paths and all links embedded.
General tips for preparing art
When possible, supply all working documents, links and necessary fonts. If this is not possible, output a print ready document with all fonts converted to paths and all links embedded.
Do not include unnecessary or undesired elements, such as placement lines or proof information which you do not intend to be printed on the final product.
Indicate if a file does or does not include bleed, and at what scale it was produced.
Sample illustrations of a typical standard finished Bulletin and standard Bleed Poster

Specifications for Oversized Outdoor Graphics
Extensions cab be built taller and wider than the live area, regardless of the billboard size.
Images shown at 1:120th scale

Best Color Combinations for Billboard Readability
Vinyl Templates
"Right Click" and "Save File As..." to download the file.